Not fair to make me cry so hard in the middle of the day. Sending love to Levon and you Janisse.

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This story gripped my heart and I’m so sorry for the trauma to you both 💚

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Janisse, thank you for sharing your vulnerability and experiences in such loving stories. I look forward to every post from you and, because of your writing, I feel connected to you again. I was a devoted mother to my four children, but I cannot imagine doing that at my age now. Fawn is lucky to have you. May your weather and your circumstances bring a long expanse of calm tranquility.

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OMG. Really, what else can you say. I am filled with gratitude that while, it’s a LOT, that you’re going through, you keep, like Levon, reappearing on the other side and writing us a story. All good things be with you, dear Janisse.

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I held breath reading this story and my heart is still racing even when I knew Levon would survive (recent photo of him and Little Fawn). You are a masterful story teller.

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Lovely photo of Little Fawn and Levon.

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What an incredibly scary experience! The range of emotions in a snapshot of time is so human. Thank you for telling your story beautifully.

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Whew! I'm breathing again now. I love that you wrote this as a prose poem. Thanks, Janisse.

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A phenomenal story. The photo of Little Fawn is lovely.

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I’m so glad Levon is ok. Once my heart dog, a yellow lab, and I were hiking on Tray Mountain in North GA. She stepped into a creek and excitedly started running and playing in it. I called her back and followed her calling but she kept going. I heard first then saw the drop of a waterfall. Screaming, I watched her disappear over the edge. I scrambled down and found her dazed but standing with a couple of scrapes and one cut needing stitches. Just writing this gives me trauma tremors.

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What a harrowing experience! I am glad all are well.

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What a story! But then, wonderous and amazing things do happen, sometimes to us, probably on a daily basis if we are just paying attention. Usually not on this scale.

I love those giant dogs, their fierce protectiveness and gentle natures.

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Gratitude that Levon survived and that the universe heard your cries. Grateful for you sharing the wildness of life. Your retelling of this frightful experience took me to the depths of pain with you and allowed me to soar high with the picture of Baby Fawn lounging on Levon in the wild. Thank you for sharing your wild adventures. May the storms calm and prevailing winds carry you along for awhile.

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An amazing story. So much of the roaring water in your life now. May Earth always hear your cry, as you hear hers.

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Holy fairies, Janisse! What a story! What a thing to live through! And what a wonderful dog! I told you that your photo of baby Fawn was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. This one of both your babies alive and well and at peace is a close second. Thank you for all that you share. I love you all with all my heart. <3

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So well written, Janisse. So powerful. I could feel the terror, the grief and the relief.

I hope you have nothing this harrowing happen again to you or yours.

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